Crafty Animals
Please view this small project I created with free assets from Unreal Marketplace. I wanted to practice my UI and level design skills, but this project helped me gain confidence in blueprint visual scripting. I have found multiple resources that assisted me in creating multiple levels that are fully playable with all menus fully functioning. This was my first attempt at a game that included a title screen, a pause menu, and other working UI elements.
Crafty Animals
Crafty Animals is a platformer game in which I have been practicing my blueprint scripting, UI, and level design skills. There are currently 15 playable levels that increase in difficulty throughout the playthrough.
Level Select UI
There is a fully functioning level select system in the game that I designed completely. It was great practice to familiarize myself with the UI layout and widget blueprints.
Pause Menu
The pause menu went through a few iterations before I settled on something that I liked. I feel the style of the game required a simple and easy-flowing UI.
Sample level
There are fully playable levels that each have a theme of Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring. Some details set each level apart including Niagra effects for snow and fireworks. I have also created powerups using blueprints that include double jumps and hazards such as slippery/ice.